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Dedworth Middle School

Unlocking potential to achieve

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Science Vision at Dedworth Middle School

The objective in science is to nurture and foster a curiosity in the world around us and to ensure pupils are prepared for their transition to upper schools. 

Linked subjects include: 

  • Literacy creative and descriptive writing. 

  • Maths e.g. graphs (drawing and interpreting) angles, formulaic equations. 

  • DT e.g. electronics/circuits. 

  • PE e.g. body systems, health. 

  • History e.g. origins of Periodic Table. 

  • Geography e.g. Rocks, Earth. 

  • PSHE e.g. Reproduction. 


All pupils are supported to make progress and to be aware of their current position in relation to where they are compared to age related expectations. SEND children receive appropriate support and adaptations to ensure all pupils work towards a common learning intention during lessons. 


At Dedworth Middle School, we work closely with other schools in the Windsor Schools Partnership to create a balanced curriculum that prepares pupils for their next stage of education. We ensure lessons are sequenced and planned coherently to aid attainment and progression. In KS3, pupils have three lessons per week held in purpose-built labs. Practical's are planned on a regular basis to support pupil learning. Each year, Year 8 pupils can be selected to take part in an extracurricular STEM competition with other schools and local businesses in the area. Year 6 have two lessons per week taught by specialist teachers in science labs and year 5 have one lesson per week as a discrete science lesson. 


We follow the AQA scheme of work for KS3 lessons. We follow the White Rose scheme of work for KS2 lessons. 

The homework platform used at DMS is Seneca learning with KS2 and KS3 pupils completing it weekly to support and extend the learning from their lessons. 

All pupils have flight paths in the front of their books to chart progress throughout the year. At the start of each unit pupils receive a unit descriptor which they RAG rate at the end of the unit to pinpoint areas for revision. 

There is an end of unit assessment following each unit to allow pupils to reflect and evaluate via a WWW/EBI. 

Teaching and planning is monitored by the Science lead and SLT to ensure the curriculum is being adhered to. The Science lead, Head of KS3 and governing body monitor progress and attainment of Science throughout the year, identifying areas and pupil groups that need focus. 


2 of the 3 major upper schools in RBWM use AQA as their exam board. By starting our pupils on the same path they are better ready for GCSE’s. 

Homework is tailored to each weeks lessons so pupils are able to complete pre-learning and arrive at lessons with better knowledge. 

Progress is monitored throughout the year and demonstrates the impact of our teaching and curriculum. There are end of year common assessments for Years 6, 7 and 8. These are completed by all middle schools in the area and moderation takes place to ensure consistency across the schools. There are also other common assessments including practical’s which take place in KS3. 


ACHIEVE values in Science 

Ambitious – Science at DMS involves a lot of investigative work, pupils are stretched in KS3 to aim for KS4 standards with KS2 pupils covering more content than is on the national curriculum. 

Caring – We learn about moral and ethical issues (pollution, global warming, cloning etc) Pupils also have to work as teams and support each other in lessons. 

Happy – Pupils are able to earn rewards (Dojo home, post card, phone all etc) which has generated a lot of positive feedback from pupils and parents. 

Inspirational – All science is taught by either specialist or closely supported by specialist. Pupils are also able to take part in our Science ambassador scheme or national STEM competition.  

Encouraging – Pupils are able to work in groups and take part in many experiments that they may not get the opportunity to in other middle schools (e.g. Van de Graaff generator). 

Valiant – Pupils are encouraged to be aspirational and have opportunities to take risks (handling the class Preying Mantis, conducting static electricity, using Bunsen burners etc.) 

Engaged – Science is taught using a broad range of techniques and opportunities for all pupils to take part in exciting and varied challenges across all year groups. 

Science Curriculum Overview

Science Curriculum Road Map

Science Steps to Achieve

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