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Dedworth Middle School

Unlocking potential to achieve

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DMS Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Overview 


Give the students the skills and confidence to use and create computer technology. Using a copy- modify - create progression, pupils of all abilities can see and experience success. Work is project based with multiple success criteria using bespoke resources created within the computing department.

From learning binary numbers using interactive mazes to coding playable games, pupils will be enthused to push their boundaries.

Learning the skills of accuracy, problem solving and safety sets the students on the path towards the outside world of work.

Remove all preconceptions of a gender bias in the subject.



Computing is taught in discreet lessons with all pupils having access to a desktop computer.

Teaching is focussed on creation of programs rather than the use of programs.

Implementation of bespoke resources that allow instant feedback and monitoring to build pupil confidence and identifies the necessity of support.

Theory work is completed on different platforms according to ability and confidence. Support provided to fill learning gaps rather than re-teaching prior knowledge.

Internet safety is taught at different age levels with a relevance to their current social media usage profile.



Pupils leave Dedworth middle school with a personal acknowledgement that they can create and solve problems on a computer.

They have the tools at their disposal to keep themselves safe and advise others on the consequences of unsafe actions on the Internet.

They will have built up a resilience knowing they that they can succeed with effort and concentration.

They will have pride in what they have created, knowing that what they have done is unique and based on their own creativity.