Child Protection & Safeguarding at
Dedworth Middle School
Intent Statement
The wellbeing and safety of our pupils, staff and parents is our number one priority. As such, we take all safeguarding and child protection issues very seriously.
We are committed to ensuring the welfare of all pupils and require all staff, volunteers, and visitors to share in this commitment.
The school will not tolerate any discriminatory, rude, aggressive or threatening behaviour to any staff, pupils or any member of our wider community.
Prior to employment all staff (paid or voluntary) are DBS or List 99 checked for their suitability to work with children and young people, depending on if they are in regulated or unregulated work with the children. For more information on the Disclosure Barring Service, click here.
All staff at the school are provided with mandatory ‘initial’ safeguarding training when they join the school. This is the followed up with annual ‘refresher’ training. Both initial and refresher training sessions cover roles and responsibilities of staff, signs to look out for and what to do in the event of a concern. All safeguarding training is led by the Designated Safeguarding Lead and/or one of the Deputies. Staff also complete online training through SSS CPD and NOS every year, covering various modules on a two-year rolling cycle.
The school ensures that all staff have read the DfE’s “Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021)”; “Working Together to Safeguard Children” guidance and the school’s Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy.
Please contact any member of our safeguarding team via phone/email or in person asking for the relevant person in Reception.
DMS – 01753 860561
Or via email at
All visitors to the school are required to sign in at Reception and to read our 'Safeguarding and safety information’ for all visitors’ leaflet.
Our most up to date safeguarding policy can be found with our Trust Policies linked below.