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Dedworth Middle School

Unlocking potential to achieve

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Pastoral Team



Mr B Day

Assistant Headteacher/ SENCo

Starting as an English teacher in 2011 in North London, I have been a school senior lead since 2018. My areas of focus have always been pastoral, safeguarding and inclusion. I come to the role with a keen awareness that school is much for challenging for some than others, but also an ambitious for what all pupils can achieve with the right support in place. I am passionate about developing the whole child as well as focusing on academic attainment, ensuring they have the personal development in place to thrive in our ever changing world. Finally, I am passionate about working in collaboration with parents and carers to get the very best for their child (recognising that school does not have happy memories for all!)


Mrs S Curtis - SEND Assistant









Mrs S Lawson - Literacy Co-ordinator

Hi, I'm Mrs Lawson and I have been at DMS for 2 years. I began I'm journey as a LSA and now I'm the Literacy Coordinator. In my role I help to create and develop a positive culture for the love of reading and alongside this I lead literacy initiatives to help enable and encourage our students to grow and persevere with their literacy development and skills. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, going for long walks and keeping active. I love reading, cooking and playing board games! I always try to challenge myself to learn a new skill and I'm currently having a go at learning a new language- Italian!




Mrs C Farago - Nurture Coordinator

I work in The Achieve Centre with the Pastoral Team, as Pupil Wellbeing and Nurture Coordinator.

I work across all year groups offering support programmes to help pupils improve their emotional health and wellbeing.

I am also involved in pupil transition sessions, helping identified pupils cope with the challenges of moving school.

When not in DMS, I enjoy spending time with my 2 daughters, going on long walks with my Dalmatian Skye, riding horses and singing in the chorus of the Windsor and Eton Opera.





Mrs A Hand - Pastoral Manager








Mr P Cragg - Achieve Mentor








Mr T Donnelly - Achieve Mentor








Mr M Simkin - Achieve Mentor








Mrs C Joy - SEMH Assistant