Arbor Parent App
The Arbor Parent Portal allows you to see your child’s attendance, behaviour and timetable. You will also be able to view and amend your contact information and consent forms, book clubs and make payments. Please ensure that you regularly check that you have responded to consent requests and that all contact and medical information is up to date so that we have the correct information recorded.
How to communicate with the school office.
In-app messages in the Parent Portal and Parent App – Arbor Help Centre (
How to make payments:
Any school activity which requires a payment, such as a school trip, topping up a meal account will be set up on Arbor. Payment can then be made by using a credit/debit card.
Payment accounts and topping up the meal account on the Parent Portal or App
Accessing Reports
Parents/ carers will receive progress reports at the end of the Autumn Term, Spring Term and Summer Term. You will be notified when these can be accessed in the Arbor App.
Booking clubs
School clubs available for your child will be visible in the club section in the Arbor parent portal.
Signing my child up for a Club on the Parent Portal or Parent App
Booking parents evening meetings
When bookings open for parents evening, please use the below instructions to book a meeting with your child's teacher.
Booking Guardian Consultations (Parent's Evenings) on the Parent Portal or Parent App