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Dedworth Middle School

Unlocking potential to achieve

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Heads of Years


Miss K Perchard - Head of Year 5/ PE

I am the Head of Year 5 and I teach PE across all the years as well as PSHE. You’ll find me either in the gym or netball courts at lunch and after school taking extra- curricular activities.  I love gymnastics and dance and normally am preparing children for the big gym and dance show at Windsor Boys School.  I enjoy most sports and in my spare time out of school, play netball in a league and fitness classes at the gym.  I look forward to starting a new academic year and seeing as many of you as possible at extra- curricular clubs. 



Mrs Farr - Head of Year 6/ English 

I am Head of Year 6 and teach English to KS2 and KS3. I am delighted to be working with such a lovely cohort and endeavour to help all pupils reach their full potential, both academically and personally. I look forward to supporting pupils in participating fully in year 6 life and make lots of happy memories in lessons, on the playground and during various extra-curricular trips over the course of the year! I enjoy reading, spending time with my friends and family and walking my dog! 

If you have any questions, problems or just want to pop in for a chat – you can find me in Room 10.


Miss Majer - Head of Year 7/ Maths

Hi all. I am Miss Majer, the Head of Year 7 and maths teacher at Dedworth, and I am really looking forward to my new adventure with you all. I have come from being a senior leader in a primary school, so this will be my first experience of being in a middle school and teaching older children. Outside of school, I am an avid reader (I can read around 100 books or more a year!) and I plan netball several times a week. I have a sassy cat at home called Fable (she's named after my love of reading) and if I'm not reading or playing netball, I can be found gaming, seeing friends or having a nap!! I look forward to getting to know you all in my time here and my door is always open if I can help. 


Mr E O’Donnell - Head of Year 8/ Careers Leader

I am Head of Year 8 at Dedworth Middle School and I teach History and Geography to Year 7 and 8 pupils. When I can, I like to watch the school sports teams and referee Football matches. At lunchtimes and breaktimes I can be found in Room B or on the playgrounds. Throughout Year 8 pupils are encouraged to think about their aspirations, future goals and career possibilities. Like last year, they will take part in a number of careers workshops this year. 
Pupils in Year 8 are given several enrichment opportunities including daytrips, a residential trip and outside speakers and workshops in school. A key time for this year group is the final summer term, when they undertake their upper school transfer tests. Pupils also spend two days visiting their new schools to help make the transition as smooth as possible.  I am more than happy for you to come and find me if you have a problem, a worry or if you just want to say hello! When I’m not at school I enjoy playing golf, coaching football and spending time with my family.