Charity Mufti Day & Food Collection Drives for Windsor Foodshare
Over next term, we’ll be running a few food collection drives for our neighbour, the local food bank, Windsor Foodshare.
We’ll be starting the fundraising with a Charity Mufti Day on Thursday 8th February (last day of school) asking staff and pupils to bring in £1 and an empty carrier bag to go towards a donation to Windsor Foodshare.
Windsor Foodshare provide food to many families in the area and the money collected this term will be going towards the perishable items that they purchase to distribute.
Over the course of next term, we will be collecting food donations every Wednesday and would appreciate donations sent in each week.
Below is a list of suggested items for each year group to bring so that we can donate a variety of items but please donate whatever you can ensuring that it is non-perishable.
Thank you for your support!